VIRTUAL VISITS AVAILABLE. Compassionate, holistic support for infant feeding and postpartum wellness. Feel confident breastfeeding any time, anywhere.
Laura Coulter, CNM/APN, MS, IBCLC
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
VIRTUAL VISITS AVAILABLE. Compassionate, holistic support for infant feeding and postpartum wellness. Feel confident breastfeeding any time, anywhere.
Congratulations! You have been through pregnancy and birth, and now you’re home. How’s breastfeeding going?
Even when things are going well, you may be wondering if your baby is getting enough to eat, or you’re in pain, or maybe your pediatrician suggested getting assistance from a lactation consultant. Or perhaps you’re concerned about a possible tongue tie, or engorgement, or plugged ducts. You might just want reassurance that your instincts can be trusted.
The key to breastfeeding success is to ensure a great start, or to get back on track quickly if obstacles arise.
Breastfeeding almost always “works” when appropriate steps are taken, especially in the early days of lactation. In most cases, a mother can be helped with proper positioning and understanding when her baby is getting milk. In some cases, mothers may need devices to help their babies to feed at the breast, but this should be determined by a qualified lactation consultant. The use of devices should be limited, temporary and always undertaken with the goal of removing them as soon as possible.
A lactation consultant is able to put the pieces of the puzzle together by reviewing the health history and the birth, assessing a feed, and making a plan to optimize the breastfeeding relationship. You and your baby each have roles in making breastfeeding effective, efficient and comfortable, and the IBCLC is the only healthcare provider trained to work with both of you.
An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is a health care professional who specializes in the clinical management of breastfeeding. IBCLCs are certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners, Inc. under the direction of the U.S. National Commission for Certifying Agencies.
As an IBCLC, I have the clinical expertise, education and training to aid women in the management of breastfeeding issues, from the common to the complex. I am trained to help mothers prepare before giving birth, during the first critical weeks after baby is born, as well as with any issues that may arise in the months or years ahead.
I strive to provide compassionate support to lessen the challenge that breastfeeding can be for so many women. Humans have survived from the beginning of time by breastfeeding; it is a unique and beautiful relationship that we love to help establish by listening to the needs of mother and baby. I strive to find a plan that works best for my clients.
I am passionate about working with mothers to make breastfeeding fit easily and naturally into their lives.
There are many different ways to define breastfeeding success. Breastfeeding is more than providing milk, so in the rare instances mothers will not produce enough to adequately feed their babies, other ways of feeding at the breast can be employed to provide the nourishment baby needs while meeting the emotional and other developmental needs of both mother and infant.
I have been very successful in helping mothers to:
I focus on healing through more natural approaches; for example:
I have sourced highly qualified professionals to address some of the more challenging situations related to tongue tie with/without release and bodywork required after difficult births.
COST: *$250
Twins $300.
Weekend/holiday visits add $50.
COST: $50
I really do not want moms to suffer in silence any longer than necessary, and sometimes symptoms must be addressed quickly to avoid further and potentially worse issues. When a visit cannot be scheduled immediately, this consult provides help to manage symptoms ONLY. It is not in place of a complete assessment by a qualified IBCLC. Some issues that can often be handled over the phone are plugged ducts, symptoms of mastitis, increasing supply after reduction due to vacation or illness, tips for bottle feeding a breastfed baby, but please understand that symptoms often have an underlying cause that needs visual assessment to resolve completely. Online consent must be completed and payment received before any information and/or handouts will be provided. If provided prior to a scheduled visit, this fee will be deducted from the cost of the in-home consultation.
I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC, first certified in 2006) located in Chicago. Prior to opening my own practice in 2013, I had the honor of working with both Lactation Associates and JOC Lactation Consultants, as well as Home Healthcare of Newborns and Families, which provided home phototherapy and breastfeeding support to jaundiced newborns. I have been working in maternal-child healthcare since 1995, when I received my Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from Rush University. While working as a nurse in Labor & Delivery at Northwestern Prentice Women’s Hospital, I earned my Master of Science degree with a focus in nurse-midwifery from the University of Illinois at Chicago. I hold Registered Nurse (RN) and Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) licenses in the State of Illinois. While I no longer practice midwifery, I maintain that certification as well.
I am also a mother to 3 amazing children, and my breastfeeding journey started like most – confusing to say the least! Here I was – a labor & delivery nurse and aspiring nurse midwife – and I honestly didn’t have a clue! But luckily for me, breastfeeding was easy and worked very well, while fitting easily into my busy life as a full-time professional and student. I had my challenges, like all mothers do, but my children taught me so much about their needs, which encouraged me to learn everything I could about human breastfeeding – it is so much more than food to our children. Most importantly, I learned to trust my instincts and to trust my children, as they each breastfed far longer than I was aware was even possible. In fact, many mothers I have worked with also find that they breastfeed much longer than they anticipated, once they trust the process and know how breastfeeding can and does work. After all, we wouldn’t be here as a species today if it didn’t! Most IBCLCs come to the profession after their own experiences as mothers; I am no different. That is why I am passionate about helping you achieve the breastfeeding relationship you dreamed of when you became a mother.