No words can begin to express how grateful I am for the 312 Doulas! With their guidance and support I was able to have the birth story of my dreams!! It is possible!
Pregnant with my first child, I knew that I wanted a natural birth with no epidural and I knew I couldn’t do it alone. I needed guidance and support and Victoria & Heather went above and beyond my wildest expectations. I was open to any outcome during the birth (I knew I ultimately was not in control) but I wanted to know that I was putting my best foot forward. Heather & Victoria were always there for me whenever I had any questions and always put my mind at ease.
Victoria was right by my side on game day and she guided me with through every contraction. I remember looking at her at one point and asking her if there was any way we could speed up the process. She told me there were a few things we could try and guess what, they all worked! 6 total hours of active labor and 4 pushes later my beautiful baby boy was born.
Do yourself a favor and hire the 312 Doulas! My husband and I cannot thank these wonderful women enough! They were a BIG part of why I was able to have an unmedicated birth. We love you and thank you from the bottom of our h