Women’s Massage Thearapy offers therapeutic massage, Reiki, infant massage classes, birth doula services, and more! Virtual options available for all services.
Amanda Tarver
Certified doula, Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki practitioner
Women’s Massage Thearapy offers therapeutic massage, Reiki, infant massage classes, birth doula services, and more! Virtual options available for all services.
I offer a few different packages of services. Your initial consultation is free, and you are free to interview as many doulas as you need before making your decision. You are looking for someone with whom you feel confident in sharing a very intimate experience in your life and while I may be the perfect person for one family, I might not be for another. I want you to feel completely confident in me. Trust is one of the most important parts of the birth team dynamic. While I hope that we work well together, my feelings will not be hurt if you decide to go with someone else. I am always happy to provide referrals if you wish.
Every family that I work with have the following services available:
Birth Doula/Massage Package 1
Birth Doula/Massage Package 2
Birth Doula/Massage Package 3
I believe that everyone deserves to have a doula, and if you are unable to afford my fees, we can discuss sliding scale, payment plan, or barter. I ask that you not abuse the sliding scale, and only ask about it if you are truly unable to afford my fees. Sliding scale is only available for the basic birth doula package, and does not include the massage packages.
A la carte doula services
Interested in chatting with a birth professional, but don’t want to commit to full doula services? Now, you can schedule a meeting lasting either 30 minutes or 1 hour to discuss your birth, labor, or postpartum experience. Possible topics include but are not limited to:
You choose the topic! You can opt for a one time meeting, or purchase a bundle of 3 or 6 meetings. We can meet in-person or virtually. Want to schedule a meeting in your home? Contact us to set it up!
Are you interested in receiving massage while in labor? At Women’s Massage Therapy, you can come in during early labor for a massage to help you relax. If you have been in early labor for a while and want to get things moving, we can employ some natural labor augmentation techniques. These same techniques can be used to attempt to start a labor if your body and baby are otherwise ready to go.
Labor massage is only available for those whose pregnancies are considered full term. During your massage, we will access several acupressure points, and you will learn where they are so that you can continue on your own if you wish. We will also use some aromatherapy designed to promote relaxation and stimulate uterine contractions.
It is always best to book appointments with at least 24 hours advance notice. If you are in labor and would like a day-of appointment, call to find out availability. There is no guarantee that you will be able to come in that day. You can also book a virtual session to have your therapist walk you through accessing the points on your own body. This generally works best if you have a partner to help out.
Amanda is a licensed massage therapist with the state of Illinois (LMT). She is certified to do pre- and perinatal massage through Body Therapy Associates, and is a Certified Educator of Infant Massage (CEIM) associated with Infant Massage USA. She is trained as a placenta encapsulation specialist (PES) through Placenta Benefits.info, and has received her training as a birth doula through both DONA and toLabor. She is also a Reiki Master Teacher (RMT), trained at Way of the Seeker’s Path.