A Touch of Ginger (ATOG) is a full-service acupuncture practice where healing begins, health can be obtained and wellness sustained. We offer Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine to support fertility, pregnancy and health in the postpartum period.
After discovering the great news of my second pregnancy I began to remember the terrible recovery that I had after the birth of my first child. That is when I decided to look into placenta encapsulation. Ginger agreed to complete this process for me for which I will be forever grateful. My post-birth recovery the second time around was amazing, and it was due to the essentials that the placenta encapsulation pills provided for my body to heal. I was feeling back to my old self with much more energy and happiness after only 2 weeks following the birth of my daughter. I highly recommend placenta encapsulation to anyone as a positive addition to their childbirth recovery.
—Jamie Weigand