Advocate Sherman Hospital (Elgin) [Doctor-attended birth]
1425 N Randall RdElgin, IL 60123
(847) 742-9800
Visit provider’s website/maternity service main pageBIRTHING EQUIPMENT
- Bean bag pillow
- Birthing stool
- Birth Balls
- Peanut ball
- Reclining chair
- Rocking chair
- Epidural
- Patient controlled epidural
- Dedicated L&D anesthesiology team
- Narcotics
- Nitrous-oxide
- TENS unit
- Partner/support person policies
- allowed in triage
- allowed in labor room
- allowed in OR for C-section
- allowed in postpartum
- allowed in NICU
- Bed available for support person
- Doula policies
- allowed in triage
- allowed in labor room
- allowed in OR for C-section
- allowed in postpartum
- allowed in NICU
- Siblings allowed in labor
After routine delivery...
- Suctioning only if needed
- Delayed cord clamping (at least 1 minute)
- Delayed cord clamping (at least 3 minutes)
- Delayed baby bath
- Uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact until first feed
- Baby rooming-in
- Non-emergent nursery care available
- All routine newborn exams at mother's bedside
- Early discharge - 24 hours or less
- Home postpartum visit
- Baby-friendly designation
- Lactation consultants (IBCLC) available for consultation on site
- 24/7 lactation support on site
- No formula given to breastfeeding babies in first 48 hours
- Donor milk available
- Dimmable lighting
- CD player
- DVD player
- Music speakers (phone or IPod)
- Television
- Free WIFI
- Refrigerator
- Microwave
Accepts Medicaid : No
See Insurance comments for details
Languages - In-Person Interpretation

1425 N Randall RdElgin, IL 60123
(847) 742-9800
Visit provider’s website/maternity service main pageHospital | Doctor-attended birth
- Also at this hospital: Midwife-attended birth
- Large (between 1600 and 4000 births per year)
- Perinatal Level II+
Maternity Care Overview
“Advocate Sherman Hospital birthing center is proud to deliver almost 3,000 babies each year. Our “Sherman Delivers” experience includes advanced capabilities, leading expertise and compassionate care to provide an outstanding experience for mom, baby and the entire family.
Trust your delivery to us:
- Skilled experts: Our multi-disciplinary team includes top midwives, nurses, obstetricians, counselors and breastfeeding consultants. You’ll also have access to fetal cardiology specialists and maternal-fetal medicine doctors who handle high-risk pregnancies.
- Advanced nursery: Our birthing center is one of only 11 Chicago-area hospitals to have a state-certified level IIE (level II with extended capabilities) special care nursery for high-risk newborns.
- Comfortable environment: Individual delivery rooms and postpartum suites with private bathrooms provide an optimal space for labor and recovery.”
“What you can expect:
- Breastfeeding support before and after your pregnancy with classes, one-on-one assistance and outpatient services.
- Private delivery rooms and postpartum suites to welcome your family’s new addition in comfort.
- One nurse, your Baby’s First Friend, dedicated to caring for only you and your baby.
- Focus on bonding through skin-to-skin contact.
- No separation policy that keeps you and your baby together throughout your hospital stay, unless he or she requires specialized care.
- Daily nap time that promotes rest for healing and bonding.
- In-room assessments and screenings including hearing, cardiac testing and bloodwork.
- A baby security system using unique identification bands that monitor your baby’s location at all times, for peace of mind.”
Click here to see Insurance Accepted.
Due to COVID-19, live tours have been suspended. Access a photo tour of the birthing center or register for a virtual tour using the link below.
Due to COVID-19, classes have moved online. Instructors lead virtual discussions about childbirth, newborn care and breastfeeding, or you can access online self-led course options. View available classes or contact Linda George at for more information.