Humboldt Park Health (Chicago) [Doctor-Attended Birth] - BirthGuide Chicago

Humboldt Park Health (Chicago) [Doctor-Attended Birth]

1044 N. Francisco Ave
Chicago, IL 60622
(773) 292-5967

Hospital | Doctor-attended birth


Overall C-Section Rate (risk adjusted) - 27.3%

As compared to Chicago-area hospitals, this rate is:
Among the LOWEST
Among the HIGHEST

Primary C-Section Rate (risk adjusted) - 12.6%

As compared to Chicago-area hospitals, this rate is:
Among the LOWEST
Among the HIGHEST

VBAC Rate (risk adjusted) - 12.8%

As compared to Chicago-area hospitals, this rate is:
Among the HIGHEST
Among the LOWEST

Exclusive Breastfeeding Rate - 37.6%

As compared to Chicago-area hospitals, this rate is:
Among the HIGHEST
Among the LOWEST
  • Number of VBAC deliveries per year- 5
  • Epidural Rate - no data provided
  • Overall Induction Rate - no data provided
  • Early Elective Deliveries - 0 %
  • Episiotomy Rate - 0%

Maternity Care Overview

“Services: The Maternity Service Unit at Norwegian American Hospital is devoted to providing personalized, comprehensive and quality care during the delivery of your baby. Our Labor and Delivery, Special Care Nursery and Mother/Baby units offer comfortable surroundings with the newest technology and equipment to provide you with family-centered care, which allows the expectant mother to have the best birthing experience possible. We are committed to providing our expectant mothers and our community with the highest level of services and care.”

“Adding to your family? Our professional and experienced staff of medical experts are here to care for your every maternal and child health care need. From the start, whether you are considering having a child or are already expecting, you will receive a wide range of services and care to assist you in experiencing a healthy, stress-free pregnancy. Your obstetrician, nurse-midwife and the hospital staff are with you every step of the way. Our team takes an evidence-based, holistic approach to care to present the best alternatives available for our patients. With the knowledge and the clinical team behind them, our patients are empowered to make informed decisions for optimal outcomes. Whether it’s a low-risk pregnancy or a high-risk one, the obstetrics and gynecology team at Norwegian has a long history with successful, proven outcomes.”

“When Labor Begins: Your physician and our childbirth preparation classes will help you learn the signs to look for when you go into labor. Our highly trained doctors and nurses will be available to you whenever you need them to answer your questions. We can ensure you that every step along the way, we will provide the education and information to answer all the pregnancy and labor questions you may have.”

“Physician Coverage: Norwegian American Hospital has specialists available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to take care of you and your baby. We also have a Special Care Nursery staffed with neonatologists and pediatric hospitalists to tend to your baby’s every need.”

“Mother and Child Time: Nurses are available to assist you, your baby and your family throughout your entire stay at Norwegian American Hospital. Once your baby is born, you and your baby are able to stay together in our Mother/Baby Unit. You will receive one-on-one instructions from knowledgeable nurses and doctors on how to bathe, feed and care for your newborn. We want to make sure you are comfortable and confident, as a new mom, when you leave us!”

“Bilingual Staff: Patients who come into our hospital feel they receive a level of personalized care and support in their language, with bicultural, bilingual doctors and nurses, which can make a significant difference in your patient experience.”

“We are here to make your journey to motherhood a memorable experience for you and your family.”


Click here to see Insurance Accepted.

For questions about insurance, call:

Financial Counselors are available to assist you with hospital bills, health insurance claims, financial assistance or charity care. If you do not have health insurance, please call a financial counselor at the number indicated below. The financial counselor will review payment and funding options that may be available to you. These could include applying for Illinois Medicaid, All Kids, Family Care, Illinois Crime Victims Fund, financial assistance or charity care.

Patient ​Acceptance ​Guidelines

Risk guidelines for VBAC

NAH offers a trial of labor to many mothers who have had prior c-sections. Whether VBAC is an option for you will be decided in consultation with your care provider.


NAH offers free childbirth education, including prenatal classes, lactation counseling, and well-mother and baby educational classes.

Classes include:

  • free in-person prenatal classes in English and Spanish once a month
  • free virtual prenatal classes in English and Spanish twice a month
  • Baby Bistro, a free baby feeding support class

For additional education and support, patients have access to myowndoctor, an app that provides personalized, educational videos about what to expect during this special time.

Norwegian American Hospital is also one of the first to participate in the State of Illinois’ Long-Acting Reversible Contraception program (LARC). The LARC Program provides a broad range of resources on Long-Acting Reversible Contraception including clinical guidance, educational materials, and more.


America’s Essential Hospitals awarded Norwegian American Hospital honorable mention at the Gage Awards for Transformation of Perinatal Quality in an Essential Hospital.

Last updated: June 4, 2024
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